Copyright Policy is created for a Data storage. It is for this matter that we give high regard to copyright policies pertaining to copyright violation. We protect copyright owners and we do that by asking you, our users, to be familiar with the service terms provided in this Copyright Policy. Please be reminded that you cannot use data from our site unless with explicit permission or authorisation given by copyright owners. You are not allowed to distribute, adapt, copy or display any data that you do not own publicly.
We will ensure that this copyright policy is implemented accordingly and we will exhaust everything in our authority to prevent or stop actions that will result to copyright infringement. We will perform such actions upon detecting any copyright violation from our users. We implement copyright infringement's Zero Tolerance policy thus we will terminate user accounts that violate them. We will not in any way issue a refund in accordance to the remaining membership term once we find out that these users had copyright violations.
For Copyright Owners
Rightful owners of content appearing via our site should notify us in writing about the copyright infringement violation. We request your cooperation regarding this matter for easier facilitation of your case. Please include the following in your request:
- Copyright owner's or authorized person's electronic or physical signature;
- Specification of copyrighted work that you suspect is infringed by the users of our site. For multiple works, please have a list that specifies all details pertinent to each infringed work;
- Specifications regarding the description and location of the said infringed material in order for us to have easier access to the material that you have claim to be infringed. Include the URL of webpages where such material has been located.
- Contact information including name, telephone number, address on how complaining party can be reached. The complaining party should also include proof that the complaint is filed in good faith believing that the material has not been authorized for use by the copyright owner or any of its agents.
- The complaining party should also include a statement rendering that the notification made is correct and appropriate and that he has in his capacity to make a complaint in the name of the copyright owner.
- Copyright holders or his authorised representatives are advised to submit the written notification for the claim to any of the following:
- Through email: email ( addressed to DMCA department.
- Use the 'Report Abuse' form in this website
Any person or entity that misrepresents all information stated in the filed copyright infringement notice will be liable for compensatory damages and all other costs brought about by the said misrepresentation.
Also, please give us one business day to read through the notification before responding to it and take actions necessary to solve the case. For better facilitation of your complaint, please abide by the requirements specified in this section.
Counter-Notification Procedure
Whilst we endeavour to protect the rights of copyright holders, we also give our users the chance to make their counter to whatever claims made against them that caused removal of supposed infringed material from the website. They will also be accorded their right to obtain in a timely manner, sufficient proof tantamount to their authorised use of the said removed material. A corresponding counter-notification will be required and such shall include the following:
- A statement pertaining to the disabled account that was taken down due to the notice filed by the complainant;
- Information explaining all necessary data about the removed material including those that will help with identification of the said material with the URL of the webpages where the said material was located before it was removed;
- A statement that includes facts that said user is in good faith when he believes that the material has been removed by misidentification or mistake;
- Contact details including user name, telephone number and address;
- User's physical or electronic signature;
- A statement containing the user's consent to the Federal District's court of jurisdiction in the judicial district where his address is located. For addresses outside the US, the consent shall be given for the judicial district where the service provider can be found.
The counter-notification must be sent to the Company's address via the email address or mailing address specified in the preceding section. The Company will respond to any valid counter-notification between 10 and 14 business days.
In Cases Where Users Are Accused of Repeat Infringement
Users, at any cost, are not allowed to use data that is not authorised by the copyright owner. They should not change, display, perform or distribute any work that does not belong to them unless there is an authorisation coming from the owners. Once our Company receives a valid notification indicating that users have used an infringing material, access to such material will be immediately disabled at all cost. User's access will likewise be terminated.
Additionally, we will be forced to deactivate user's sharing function. Users will be notified via their registered email regarding the actions the Company has taken as a reply to the take-down notification received from the complaining party. Users will be notified that the violation, whether first time or a repeat infringement, will be placed on record. Repeat Infringement will result to termination policies using the “three-strike” rule.
The user is given the option to reactivate his account with the Us once he gives a certification stating he has already worked on removing infringed material found in his account with the website. Such certification will only be honoured if it contains the ample electronic signature choice through our website.